Roles at Camp
Don’t worry, ‘counselor’ does not mean psychologist or therapist! A counselor at camp is responsible for the general well-being of a group of campers and makes sure they are safe. Whatever your skills, knowledge, or experience, as long as you have the work ethic and a burning desire to make a positive impact on the lives of children, there is a job for you at camp!
Whatever your skills, knowledge, or experience, as long as you have the work ethic and a burning desire to make a positive impact on the lives of children, there is a job for you at camp!
General Summer Camp Counselor
As a general counselor you will live in a bunk with one or more co-counselors and a group of children. During the day you will most likely take a group of children to each activity area. Once there you teach or assist in teaching one of the activities. In the evening you will help plan and join in fun evening programs that could be just your bunk or it could be all the children and staff at camp. Many camps look for people who have childcare experience, beginner to advanced skills in several activity areas and a flexible positive attitude!!
Specialist Summer Camp Counselor
Specialist counselors typically live in a bunk with one or more co-counselors and a group of children. During the day you will head to your activity area such as sports, arts/crafts, performing arts, gymnastics/circus, horse riding, outdoor adventure, waterfront (lake/pool). Once there, you teach one or a variety of activities on offer to campers of all ages and skill levels. If you have a certification, a strong level of experience participating, teaching / coaching experience a specific skill, then this is a great role for you! Specialist / activity counselors are in high demand! When completing your online profile, don’t forget to include all the details about your skills, experience and any certifications! In the evening you will help plan and join in fun evening programs that could be just your bunk or all of camp.
There will be some specialist roles that will not have the bunk responsibilities. If this is the case, the camp will discuss this with you during your interview.
A Summer Camp Counselor Role
This program has been designed for you to spend a fun and worthwhile summer working with children in America, but it’s definitely not a free holiday! Working as a camp counselor can be hard work, with long hours. It’s hugely rewarding and enjoyable especially when you throw yourself into the spirit of camp life!
Bunk life: Usually, two or three counselors are assigned to a Bunk / Cabin of four to eight children. You get them to sleep at night, wake them up in the morning, eat meals with them, get them ready for the day, sent off to activities and you are there to make sure they are having a great time at camp. The camp director expects staff to set a good example, ensure that the children keep themselves and the cabin clean, and that they follow the camp’s routine.
Your Role: Your responsibility for the children may include dealing with homesickness and personal problems, as well as looking after and teaching them. Your role is like that of brother/ sister /parent /teacher /friend and cheerleader all rolled into one! Remember you will also be teaching, assisting or coaching activities during the day. Expect to share some games and activities that are specific to your country as you share your culture with your fellow counselors and campers.
Before the Children Arrive: You will have an orientation once you arrive at camp. Typically, this is about one week, depending on your camp. This orientation could include preparing the camp for the kids’ arrival or getting to know your role and how the camp operates. You may not know all your duties until after the orientation when your camp director has assessed all the staff and assigned the various jobs.
A Full-time Job
You should be prepared to spend 24 hours a day with the children, living and sleeping in the same cabin, working, and playing with them. It can be hard work at times, but incredibly rewarding if you’re up for the challenge!
Working as a counselor can be a beneficial and enjoyable experience for anyone with the desire and enthusiasm to work with children, whether you have a specialist skill or not.
Teachers or trainee teachers find that camp is as relevant and useful to gain experience working directly with children. Non-teachers and non-students have much to contribute to and gain from the program as well. There are also many openings for those with experience working with mentally, physically, or socially disadvantaged children.
Camp is amazing. It’s not what I expected at all. It’s ten times better
Support Summer Camp Staff
Your Role
What does being a Support Staff member involve? If you have office, maintenance, kitchen, or housekeeping experience, then this is the role for you at camp. Every camp requires a team behind the scenes, ensuring everyone has everything they need to keep the camp running smoothly.
Support staff roles generally involve a higher salary and more free time, but you will not live with children. Support staff typically live in a cabin with other members of the support staff team. You will be trained once you arrive at camp, and be prepared to not know all of your duties until after orientation when your supervisor has assessed all the staff and tasks. Please note, you must be a full – time student in either college or university to be eligible to work as support staff.
A Full-time Job
You should be prepared to spend long days at work. A typical work schedule for support staff in the kitchen could be:
6.30 a.m. | Begin work, prepare, serve, and clean up breakfast |
10.30 a.m. | Break |
11.30 a.m. | Prepare, serve, and clean up lunch |
2.00 p.m. | Break |
5.00 p.m. | Prepare, serve, and clean up dinner |
7.30 p.m. | Finish work |
Whilst you may start at 6.30 a.m. and finish your day at 7.30 p.m., this does not mean you are working 13 hours. With breaks for lunch and general breaks throughout the day, on average you will work 10 hours per day.
The amount of your involvement in camp life is up to you. Support staff have to be willing to put forth the effort to spend time with cabins when not in the kitchen and make friends with counselors.
You can expect to have one day off per week and often two days off at the end of every session(between one set of campers leaving and the next arriving). That two day break is an ideal time to travel off camp and visit a bigger city or a destination further away from camp.