working at an American Summer Camp!
Camp is the ultimate summer job! Spend your summer living at one of America’s premier summer camps. American Summers will help you secure a position either as a custom placement based on your skills or apply as a direct placement at a camp of your choosing.
of our summer camps are nationally accredited
Earn 60 days of free time to travel the US
We provide an easy, straight forward, and painless process when preparing for your next adventure. With decades of experience in the summer camp industry, we have been in your shoes! American Summers staff know what it is like to walk into the US Embassy to get your visa, shake hands with prospective bosses, and walk into cabins where you will spend your summer nights.
Being a camp counselor is the closest to celebrity status I will ever achieve.
More StoriesThe camp experience is one of the best things I've done in my entire life.
Camp to me has been amazing! It's made me a better person.
It's been the most enjoyable nine weeks of my life.